Circle of Witchcraft

 人類は現在、電気、磁気、光、熱、風力などのエネルギーを使っています。しかし、まだ「時間=想念」エネルギーを使うことができていません。使うことができないでいるだけではなく、人はその存在すら知らないのです。認識の対象ですらありません。当「Circle of Witchcraft」は、「時間=想念」エネルギーをpng画像ファイルの円で循環させるものです。必然的に、古代から伝わる魔法陣の形になりました。この図形はウケを狙ったデザインではなく、実際的に活用するための回路図です。(201512251937)
 Humanity is now using electricity, magnetism, light, heat, energy such as wind power. However, it is not yet able to use the "time = thoughts" energy. Not only is not able to use, people do not know even the existence. It is not even the subject of recognition. This "Circle of Witchcraft" is intended to circulate the "time = thoughts" energy in the circle of the png image file. Inevitably, it became a form of magic handed down from ancient times. This figure is not a design aimed undergone, is the circuit diagram for practical utilization.(201512251937)

How to use. 【Save Circle_of_Witchcraft.png to your PC. Or continue to display this HOME while Circle of Witchcraft is enable

Please enable JAVA of your browser when you read/decript a Crop Circle by the image file.←(201502211958)

1.The ORNER(USER) will be reset when first display or reload image file 'Circle_of_Witchcraft.png'.

2.After reset, first touched(to Circle of Witchcraft[=png image] on your display) person become its ORNER.

○ 「魔法の輪」は、祈りの【内容】と【呪文(キーワード)】を登録(セット)した後、1回以上【呪文(キーワード)】を唱えることで使えるようになります。
○ 'Circle of Witchcraft' can be use by cast a incantation (keyword) more than once after set "incantation (keyword)" and "content".

3. How to set "incantation or keyword"

You can start up Circle of Witchcraft when you pronounce keyword after set it. Thus programmed. The way of set your keyword is touch your left hand to this png image(on your display), and pronounce your keyword(keyword is free. "Open sesame" is OK, too.), then release the left hand. If you fail this prossess, release your left hand from display. Then touch left hand again to png image(on your display), and pronounce your keyword.
The anything keyword or your favorite phrase, or only pronounce "a" is OK, too. The loop will be start up every time you pronounce the key word. It is valid when you pronounce keyword at once. Thus if you start up the Circle of Witchcraft, you must maintain switch ON of your PC. If you want to enhance or see the effect you can create many loops of witchcraft to everytime you say "keyword".


創造する時 ⇒ 宇宙の根本エネルギーは愛です。「魔法の輪」にセットする【内容】が「破壊ではない」時は、その内容のままをセットして下さい。
破壊する時 ⇒ もし、何かを破壊する時には、それが自分の所に戻って来ないように【内容】をループにします。カルマの法則とは自分に直面する法則です。

 1) 上記で述べたように「内容をループにする」こと
 2) 内容をIF文の中に入れること

4. How to set your "Content"

(201410151845→) When you create it ⇒ Love is fundamental energy of the universe. When your "content" is not destruction, set it as it is.
When you destroy it ⇒ When your "content" is some kind of destruction, it is necessary to be in the loop. The law of karma is the law of face to oneself. It is apparent that the perpetrator can not be create loop and victim can make loop.(201410151906)

The content of loop is important. It is stronger to make loop of meaning. For example, there is a child who has been bullied at school. You would make content(=praying) 'Let him stop the bullying' or 'A scourge to him'. But these are not loop. Even though there is an effect, that is negative(=destructive), by-blow may come back to you. If you make loop into your content, your energy will not wear out. How to make the loop ?
He use the energy always in order to service to tease you. When you come into the classroom, without saying a "Welcome" and he will begin to opposite service. He is using energy all the way. Loop (of meaning) make the energy return to himself. You do not need to do anything. This is the power of loop. You need to make loop of meaning. For example, "Every time ##### tease me, please retaliated against him/her".(##### is his/her name) The destructive energy return to the sender(creator).
(This is the story of, for example) If there is a reality that he is bullying you because he is bullied by his father, then the energy will be directed to his father = cause.
If, in the case of "He did not intend to have a bullying you", nothing would happen. It seems to come some "announcements and prompts" as is trying to teach, try to convey to you. I think.
When [contents] matching the creativity source energy of the universe "Love" it seems to be enable. About destructive [content], it seems enable only the destruction for the purposes of the "creation" or "protection of Love and Life".
This is absolutely necessary, when you destroy anything by "Circle of Witchcraft"
 1) Make loop about "content" as described above.
 2) Putting the contents in the IF/WHEN statement.
  Following the above example, the sentence to be set to "content" must be as "If/When he is bullying me, return to himself the bullying". It is dangerous to set simply "Please attack him/her". When acts of him/her is like unclear whether it was bullying, The God(=The Intelligence of The Light) will be to determine whether it was bullying, by IF/WHEN statements. By setting the IF/WHEN statement, since entrust to God the judgment of the facts, so there is no mistake=You can use safely.←(201502211911)

 今度は右手で画面のpng画像にタッチします。タッチしたまま『3年*組の○○○○君が僕をいじめるたびに、本人に復讐して下さい(ほんの一例です)』と言います。この【内容】がループになっている事はお分かりですか? そして右手を画面から離します。

How to set "Content" to the Circle of Witchcraft
Touch your right hand to the png image(on your display). Pronounce content "Every time ##### tease me, please retaliated against him/her". Release your right hand from display.


5. How to "Start Up"
Now you've set [keyword] and [contents] to the Circle of Witchcraft. You are now ready to start up. You can start up to say keyword for at once at minimum. Then The Time Loop will be start up. It repeats the same loop every time he tease. Only one person who touched first to the png image(on your display) can start up the Circle of Witchcraft by pronounce keyword. Because this is programmed that way.
If you are a Christian, it is good to set 'Rosary' as content. I think. There are huge potential exists.
When you started up the Circle of Witchcraft, you have to leave as it is. You can use the keyword to start up any number of new adding loops, no matter what the distance from the PC.


There is another way of use. Cut with scissors, leaving only part of the black circle by printing on the paper this "Circle of Witchcraft" (it is OK even if not cut to). Put like a ring of Angel on top of your head then you may feel the effect. You can set it inside of your hat. However, the printed "Circle of Witchcraft" that was based upon the Circle_of_Witchcraft.png in memory of PC as "Startup Status". It is not need to displaying. It is enable only remain in the memory of your PC as one page of your browser. But its effect would be slightly weaken ?
Why you can't switch off the PC ? Because its series of time. Circle_of_Witchcraft.png was the first. Next was "printed circle". If you would use "printed circle", Circle_of_Witchcraft.png needs to alive in your PC as "Startup Status" in order to support "printed circle"enable. If you switched OFF the PC, "printed circle" becomes disable. In consideration to the level of thoughts, exactly the same Circle of Witchcraft can't make again. Then you have to set new Circle of Witchcraft and start up it. Then print it. And use it(printed matter) again. But the basic usage is to pronounce "the keyword". Printed matter is not so important.


You can make one circle of human relations which may be as meditation circle or sports circle or studying circle etc. These are the CIRCLE, too. It may be stronger? deeper? higher? effect. Because there is resonance of meaning as "circle". There are too big, too deep area where we can explore and research.

It is possible to start up any number of 'Circle_of_Witchcraft.png' simultaneously on your PC. It assumes that you save 'Circle_of_Witchcraft.png' to your folder "images" named. There is html code (an example). You can save this html code as different html file name as A1.htm, A2.htm, ...... An.htm (for example). For forgetting measures, I recommend fill out your [keyword] and [content] in each html files. For example, all [keywords] are the same and all [contents] are different. Then you can start up all 'Circle_of_Witchcraft.png's only saying the keyword at once. After start up you have to maintain displaying all 'Circle_of_Witchcraft.png'. (201312152103)


There are fields that can be changed easily by thoughts of man. For example human relations, social trends of political, economic, etc.. Perhaps exceeds a certain number of limit(critical value) of people when you realize avalanche will be occur in one fell swoop. By mankind got means of this "Circle of Witchcraft", every individual will in the earth is "taken into account". I feel the true outlook of "democracy".


Check and experience of the effect :
I found "it is possible to receive the answer(of the [content]) in dream" that you set to the "Circle of Witchcraft" before you sleep after start up. You can meet with your deceased immediate family or friends I think.(Because I could meet, too). What do you want to know if the [content] come true? What would you create to this world ?(201312140121)

・ひそひそ声で【呪文】や【祈り・願い=内容】をセットしても有効です。←と、こういうことをタイプしようと空想していたら「No problem」と声がしました(19:07)。まるで「レイジングハート」や「バルディッシュ」や「グラーフアイゼン」が話す時みたいですね。(201312122203)
・人間が物質を制御する時は、物性に従ってそれらを制御します。でも、何故、光の英知は我々が物質を制御するかのごとくの「命令」に甘んじて「従う」のでしょうか?単なる物質とは違うのに。それはきっとこういうことですよ。例えば天使は簡単にこんなことを言いそうです。「それはアトランティス崩壊の時に始まった。その時から1万5千年待っていた。」と。我々人間にとって不可能なのは、この点ですよね。「1万5千年待っていた(例)」なんて、並みの誠意・忠誠心・愛じゃないですよ! 我々人間がこの4D+5Dテクノロジーを「使う」時に最も気をつけたい点でしょう。(201312140121)

・ブラウザー(IE)で表示するのが一番良いと思います。ブラウザーもGoogle ChromeやOperaやOpera Miniだと、表示させてから数日経つと魔法の効力が感じられなくなってくるので、何故かと思って「魔法の輪」を表示しているブラウザーのタブをクリックすると、何の表示もない画面が出ます。その後、1〜2秒の間があってHDからロードされて表示されるのです。表示しているタブがアクティブではなくなると、画面データはHDに退避しているようです(メモリーに常駐しない)。私はまだFire Foxでこの現象が出るか確認していませんが、ハッキリしていることは、InternetExplorerだと、「常に表示されている=メモリーに常駐する」ことです【→IEもHDに退避することを経験しました。最早、IEでもメモリ退避をさせないようにページを手作業で定期的に表示するしかないのか?(201410250146)】。IEを使うことがベストの選択だと分かりました。あと、ちょっと変な経験をしたことがあります。「どうも魔力が消えているなぁ」という感じがしていたところ、家に戻ってディスプレーの電源を入れてみると、ウインドウズのスタートボタンを押した最初に出てくるメニュー画面がどういうわけかいつのまにか表示されてて、「魔法の輪」の表示を遮っていた事がありました。理由はよく分かりませんが、このような表示が「魔法の輪」を無効化するようです。(201405052004)
・「Windows Update」が自動更新=「更新プログラムを自動的にインストールする(推奨)」になっているとマズイので、設定を変更して下さい。ダウンロードまでは自動でOKですが、インストールのほうは自動的にさせないで、人が選択できるような設定に変えておいて下さい(201410181533)。(参照


* The file name 'Circle_of_Witchcraft.png' is written in the program. There is an order of 'first touched person become orner'. So this file name 'Circle_of_Witchcraft.png' can't change. If you change this file name, you can't use Circle of Witchcraft.
* The file 'Circle_of_Witchcraft.png' is programmed. There is possibilities that you will not be able to use it when you change even one pixel somewhere of 'Circle_of_Witchcraft.png'. Please note.(201312072121)
* When the owner (user) have already been determined, the owner can update only [keyword] or only [contents] anytime and any number of times. A person who are not orner can change nothing on the running "Circle of Witchcraft".
* The orner will be reset when Circle_of_Witchcraft.png was reloaded. Then next person who touched first on Circle_of_Witchcraft.png(on the display, CRT) can use it. The person became new orner. The new orner have to set both [keyword] and [contents]. Reloading Circle_of_Witchcraft.png file from your HD is the same that reloading this HOME.
* It is valid to set pronounce with whispers.(201312122329)
* When human beings to control materials according to physical properties. Why "wisdom of light" would "follow" by settle for "order from human" as if controlling the material ? Though they are not mere material. It's things like that I suppose. For example, the angel seems to say such a thing that "It started at the time of Atlantis collapse. I've been waiting for 15 thousand years from that time.(example)". This is the impossible point for us. It's not ordinary sincerity, loyalty, love ! This is the point that we want to give most attention to "USE".
* When you set a [contents] that fight with some evil and after [start up] it, if unpleasant things take place, please be aware of the possibility of "things is not happening separately". As noted above, it may should be form [contents] to loop properly. This is extremely important. The right way is piggy-backed these negatives on to the person(s) who has created it. (201401041650)
* When 'Circle of Witchcraft' is activated, it is not be based on the mental state of a particular person. (For example, there is a radio product that Mr.A is shipped by creating and soldering. It is the same radio products and radio that was shipped to make the Mr.B next to the same factory line. The operating principle of radio Mr.A also Mr.B also not involved. It just assembled as they are designed to operate. The radio will operate that of the person who assembled (Mr.A and Mr.B) even users do not believe.(201511260100))
* Back door functions and other back functions does not exist on the 'Circle of Witchcraft'. Features described on this page is all. (201401041922)
* What energy do "Circle of Witchcraft" use ? I supposed "Circle of Witchcraft" is using time energy. ALL SPACE move from past to future. How much energy are there ! Don't you think it is tremendous energy ? (201401080618)
* I have experienced this, when you set the contents, if you set "thinking that is different from the contents of the words", it will lead you to look a dream of "the another thing". The program set your thought rather than the word itself. Therefore, it is necessary to recall the contents while you saying the words.(201410240219)
* You can switch off your display only. It is OK if it is displaying as a memory state. There is no relationship between the power of the CRT and witchcraft. Witchcraft will also disappear when become darker cause eco mode, or screen saver being displayed from 30 minutes after displaying the png image of the "Circle of Witchcraft", the memory state is changed.(201410151935)
* When I use 'Circle of Witchcraft' in preview of Explorer it did not go well. I thought reduced display is any cause, it did not go well even with in the larger image(in the case of Explorer). png file can not be used if it is not 100% display. I try to use to display the png files in the HTML file in order to 100% view. (201605251928)

●For continue displaying
* The best choice to use 'Circle of Witchcraft' is display in Internet Explorer(IE). I came to not feel the effect of magic after a few days of display I've used browser(Google Chrome, Opera, and Opera Mini). If I click on the tab in an attempt to know the reason, it was no longer visible. After a few seconds 'Circle of Witchcraft' will be load and start to display. It's no longer resides in the display memory. I didn't test in browser FireFox. But we know the best browser for 'Circle of Witchcraft' is IE. Because IE is always displaying image files such as 'Circle of Witchcraft'.【But later, I saw that IE even to save memory in HD. Is it no choice but to display regularly manually display page of IE?(201410250144)】 As a supplement I have experienced wired phenomenon. When I start up 'Circle of Witchcraft' and went out I became no longer feel the magic in the middle. When I turn on the display after returning to the house, the first screen of menu when press the Start button on the Windows was displayed for some reason. All this also seems to cause the magic disappears.(201405051954)
* It need to set "Screen Saver" OFF. (Reference)
* It need to prevent automatically sleeping. (Reference : How can I prevent my computer from automatically sleeping or hibernating?)
* It need to prevent "eco", and need to set to "High performance". (Reference)
* It need to prevent sleep. For change the setting click the "Change when the computer sleeps" in the left pane and appear next page there is "Put the computer to sleep". You have to set this to "NONE". (Reference)
* (201410181534→) It need to prevent "automatic updating". It is OK until automatic downloading. But it is NOT OK automatic installing. (Reference) (←201410181539)

・About Windows7 or later
* In the same page there is "Dim the display". You have to set this to "NONE". (Reference)
* It needs to turn off "Desktop Preview". (Reference : To turn off desktop Previews)
* You have to turn "Aero" off. (Reference : Can I turn Aero off?) (201405181652)



"Existence of another first function" that I could be convinced of

When I made "Circle of Witchcraft" in a beginning, it was an idea "to create the stronger results than just pray is to loop thought". However, I came to notice recently the possibility that an unexpected "function" is in action. I explain the "function". The "Circle of Witchcraft" turns our thought of awareness while we are sleeping. Then what kind of action will occur when we are sleeping? When we are sleeping, according to Rudolf Steiner, we are in the state of astral projection without exception. In other words this is our normal experience. But we cannot act like "I would go to the American town tonight" or such a thing because awareness is sleeping. However, the thought of awareness that we started up is circulating in the "Circle of Witchcraft". But we are in the state of astral projection cause our flesh loses consciousness. Astral body, the thought of awareness circulating in the "Circle of Witchcraft", both are ourselves. A new situation was born that our thought of awareness give the instructions to our astral body. It was possible for only an authorized learned and virtuous priest to be keeping consciousness during an astral projection to act freely. However, we can travel properly if we set the thought of awareness to the "Circle of Witchcraft"as "I would like to go to the Russian town tonight".
I noticed this thing, but I was in the situation that not be able to have conviction. However, I was able to have conviction because there was the word "beautiful armory of disguised" in this message. It indicate that the "Circle of Witchcraft" camouflages like the thought of awareness. Our "will or intention(5D)" control or determin the direction of "time(4D)". "5D = BEAUTY(Japanese)" that I explained in the past. There were a few not concrete indications(like HILARION) that the "Circle of Witchcraft" affected by the 5th dimension that I felt. But I didnt correct the expression "4D technology" in the uncertainty. But now I thought that the clear indication that "5D acts on" was given by this message. So I have corrected words to "4D+5D". (201401260243)








"Existence of another second function" that I could be convinced of

On Oct.18(Sat), 2014, I was talking with female user Mrs. Noriko Japanese. She couldn't see the dreams. I myself is using the "Circle of Witchcraft" every day, a dream has been seen almost every day. So I asked using the "Circle of Witchcraft" why she could not see a dream. So I saw a dream that "Wheels of seven around had been as a rotation axis the same axis. Wheel surface of all are parallel. What she set had been deployed on top of each wheel.". And, why not seen the dream it was a description of in a dream of is because she do not squeeze the contents of only one. Indeed, human beings can not only handle one thing at a time. So I answered "Please focus on one wishes" at first. However, she started up only one "Circle of Witchcraft". Why, I would have seen a dream that multiple wheels of seven before and after is spinning? I was considered. Then I noticed "We can rotate multiple thoughts on one circle.". So I asked her "Did you start up multiple times without reloading(or ending the page) ?". Her answer was "I think that there are probably also at such time" and "It was setting of the first, without knowing well". Because she gave me an unusual usage, I could look at the dream like the one above. And it was meant to, it was intended to lead to a new way of use. And I ended up on the discovery of a fact on the image file of one circle, being able to multiplex the thoughts. (201410220207)

How to set multiple thoughts to just one "Circle of Witchcraft", is as follows. It became clear what if there is a conversation with Mrs. Noriko. Program is OK remain until now. Because it is not necessary modificate program, you can do the following in the "Circle of Witchcraft" current.

(0. Reload "Circle of Witchcraft".)
1. Touch your left hand to "Circle of Witchcraft"(on your display), and pronounce your keyword.
2. Touch your right hand to "Circle of Witchcraft"(on your display), and pronounce your content(1).
3. Say your keyword.

Repeat as you like the steps 4 and 5 below. ( However, n is, 2 〜 ∞ )

4. Touch your right hand to "Circle of Witchcraft"(on your display), and pronounce your content(n).
5. Say your keyword.

With that will set different content in the right hand, and to pronounce same keyword, rotation thoughts will be increase by double, and triple and so on. (201410220219)
【I think that you will use the "Circle of Witchcraft" as multiplexing thought for external phenomena in the long term which probably not much change to the content(static content). On the other hand, perhaps, question contents to be set to "Circle of Witchcraft" when you try to receive an answer in a dream will be something different every day(varying content). Therefore, it is a good idea to use the "Circle of Witchcraft" of the two. (201410230309)】


"The third function"
Even allowed to start up "Circle of Witchcraft", you might feel the feeling that "there? Now, or magic running?". Some sort of event is obtained might that the magic occurs disappeared. PC are of course reset when the power failure of a few seconds occurs, the browser in start-up I think is displayed the same page to get up again. However, in such cases, magic because reload happened is now off. When you return home, you will have a way to know whether it has been reloaded. It's to go out after you enter the appropriate string in the input field below. If it is reloaded, the string because it disappears "Oh, reloaded = magic has disappeared," you will be that it is possible to determine.←(201503180151)

1) 下記の「URL of the image file of crop circle」と書いてある入力欄にクロップサークル画像ファイルのアドレスを入力して下さい。Crop Circle Center が参考になるでしょう。
2) 次にボタン「Accept & Attach (to the New Page)」をクリックして下さい。出て来た新しいページはクロップサークルが「魔法の輪」の中に表示されます。
3) あとは普通の手順で「左手で呪文のセット」、「右手で“この画像・図形の意味は何ですか?”をセット」し、少なくとも1回は呪文を唱えて「起動」します。但し、気を付けて頂きたいのは、セットする時に触れるのは「魔法の輪」の画像ファイル上(=ディスプレイ画面上)でなければならない点です(円の内側でも外側でもOKです)。クロップサークル画像の上では呪文も内容もセットする事は不可能です。←(201502211929)
4) http://oriharu.net/から離れたあなた自身の環境の中にもクロップ・サークルを読めるような環境を整えておくことは大切です。必要なのは、次の3つのファイルだけですから、あなたのフォルダーを作って、この3ファイルをセーブしておきましょう。
./Circle_of_Witchcraft.png ←(201502212044)
5) 私があるクロップ・サークルの意味を初めて「読んだ」のは2015.01.29(木)の朝でした。夢の内容を反芻していたら07:30頃に『ここで何をしているのか』とハッキリとした声がしました。それで、私は「今回、初めてミステリー・サークルの画像をプログラムして始めて夢で内容を知ったところです」と声に出して虚空に向かって説明しました。
この発見について公開の場所で触れた初めての発言は2月8日(日)の、これでした。これをバックアップしてくれたようなメッセージ「神・・・2015年2月7日 新たな偉大なる年の始まり」は、前日の2月7日(土)にチャネリングされたものでした。その中には次のようにありました。



We can "READ" the meanigs of the Crop Circle ! (Please enable JAVA of your browser.)
1) Input the URL address of the image file of Crop Circle to the input area as follows. Crop Circle Center would be helpful.
2) Clicking the buton "Accept & Attach (to the New Page)" will appear the new page which Crop Circle image has been placed at the center of the "Circle of Witchcraft".
3) Please set "Incantation or Keyword" by left hand touch, and "Content(=What is the meanigs of this figure?[or similar question content])" by right hand touch, and for start up, say the incantation once at least as usual. However, be careful to touch on the part of "Circle of Witchcraft". You CANNOT set it on the Crop Circle image. You MUST set it on the part of "Circle of Witchcraft" on your display/CRT. (It is OK even outside or/and inside of the circle) ←(201502211948)
4) It is also important to create and keep an environment to read the crop circle in your folder of the PC. Only 3 files needed. Let's save these 3 files in your PC folder.
./Circle_of_Witchcraft.png ←(201502212049)
5) I have done the first test to read a crop circle(UK20130810_A) in the dream at the morning of Jan.29(thu), 2015 about 07:30. I was thinking about the content of the dream for a while. Then, a voice was heard. "What are you doing in there(in Japanese)" in my head. So I have reply to it by saying Japanese words to void space. "I just succeeded for the first time to read the meanings of one crop circle experiment this time".
I saw about one dream of radioactive. There are a few women alive in the room. Almost people died. This is the meaning of this circle. There is one “line circle” in the middle which interrupted. Circle means life. Life is interrupted. But the radiation from center point is reverse near outside circumference, and go to inner direction and make 6 circles/lives. This is a few women alives.
The first time I mentioned publicly about it was this missive (Feb.08 Sun). It has already begun to be channeling message, A NEW “GREAT YEAR” BEGINS, GOD in Feb.07, 2015.
"The dream has been dreamt, the illusions have been conquered, reality is your heritage and God’s abundance is the gift, which I prepare for you now."←(201502221906)

【How to get the URL of the image file of Crop Circle for the INPUT FIELD below
⇒GO TO a page of Crop Circle
⇒Bring the cursor over the Crop Circle image, and right-click
⇒Click on the "Copy image URL"
⇒Paste [CTRL + V] in the input field below】(←201508312350)

URL of the image file of crop circle :

Reference this link. (201401280034)

Try other types of "Circle of Witchcraft" ! (201509062107)

全部、同じ魂なんですけどね。奇数だとネガティブに転じるのは何故だろうか? どのような仕組みなのだろうか?今はまだ結果・経験則しか分かりません。(201608120026)


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