The Ten Dimensions

From BNE

written by Sol Millin - 23 Aug 2005 - updated 15 Nov 2005

Tried to meditate at the evening but fell asleep and woke up with these thoughts.A biblical interpretation of the Cosmic water cell seems to display a multi-dimensional higher dimensions are appearing in the our normal physical dimensional world, just through intention.It's as though God is allowing the higher dimensions to now effect this physical dimensional world more concretely via the human vehicle. ie. the 'vibrational' level of the human Universe is going to a 'new frequency'… The Golden Age…

Now, what are these dimensions?

A spiritual numbering system based on the Bible of numbers between 0 and 9 has been suggested by one of the researchers. He uses these numbers in designing machines. He’s obviously had some excellent success, so being the eternal student, I think it wise to attempt to understand this biblical interpretation numbers.

In the table below I have attempted to place a biblical interpretation of these numbers and their qualities together with knowledge and explanations of my own.We know three dimensions (actually four!)

NumberOrDimension Sol’s explanation A Biblical interpretation
9 Eternal Bliss or God or Pure Love or The Father (In the end Jesus said ‘I and the father are One’) Sathya Sai Baba or Completion, beyond the knowable (the Atma or original Loka or heaven deep within the human heart) Completion
8 Original separation of God. Born of God. Truth of the Son of God or Jesus or Krishna Consciousness and Intelligence (The human Sahasrara chakra or Loka or heaven - which appears as 'the halo' above the head) )Jesus Christ (the Son of God)
7 Mind or as science calls it, Space, the Mirror of Krishna Consciousness. The exquisite brilliant living light of God of which all things are made which appears in a vast ovoid shape. This is the Yogic Turiya state which is Pure Mind without Vibration, beyond the 3 Guna's of the Veda's (see below) (The Ajna chakra or Loka or heaven within the human head - interesting that the human head is ovoid in shape!) God Righteousness
6 (* see note below) The single longitudinal frequency that appears in Mind or Space ie. The Word of God, Conscious thought created in Space as Quantum waves, or 'Sound' in the Veda's. Out of this harmonic motion of 'Mind' or 'Space' all of this (and the attribute or dimension of Time) appears as in a waking dream. This vibration is the Creation of Motion (which leads to Time). Quantum vibratory motion leads to interference of two types, constructive which leads to Standing Waves or Form, destructive which leads to 'Death'. So the '3 Guna's' of the Veda's are born here, Raja (creation), Satwa (form or stability), Tamas (destruction or death). This single vibration (the Quantum wave or Aum or Om) leads to infinite interference and interactions, rebound and resound within the Mind or Space creating this harmonic Cosmos. This is why many/most devices in the lower dimension have harmony and beauty since they are all originally made from this single vibration.

The symmetrical human body is representative of:

  • dual symmetry representing the original dicotomy of light/dark, male/female, positive/negative.
  • all ten dimensions, in the ten digits on hands and feet.
  • capable of physical (harmonic) beauty, music, colour etc. etc. (the human Vishuddi or throat chakra or Loka or heaven)
Dark The Angel Lucifer
5 Time which comes out of dimension six (above) as an attribute. (the subsidiary Thymus chakra - does this manage ageing in the human body?)Grace, free
4 Interference, Standing waves. Structures. The electron, positron, and other structures creating the atom. Movement in three dimensions incorporating harmonic movement ie. the sub atomic and atomic dimension (the human heart or Anahat chakra or Loka or heaven). The Cosmic atomic sStructure of form, or 'earthly' or 'bodily'
3 Electromagnetic (transverse) wavefronts. Electromagnetic energy or change of atomic state - moving on a two dimensional expanding surface (the human energy or Manipur chakra or Loka or heaven. Passion, emotion, prana which appears in the solar plexus) Heaven
2 Duality. Polarisation. Moving along an expanding line, slipping or fluid (the human sex or Swardistan chakra or Loka or heaven). Spirit active holy unholy
1 Still. Fixed or 'solid' no apparent movement eg. a point (the human moolhadara or base chakra or Loka or heaven). man
0 zero nothing start

Note on 6 above Lucifer is the most mis-understood angel.

In relation to what’s above dimensionally, Lucifer could be referred to as ‘dark’, yet angelic with respect to what’s below. What Lucifer is, is physical beauty and worldly pleasure which has ‘lured’ or ‘enchanted’ the human soul away from our true nature of Pure Love. However, as Sai Baba has pointed out ‘Pleasure is only an interval between two pains’ whereas our true estate of Godhead (Pure Love) is ‘eternal’ ie. It stays with us forever. And what is ‘forever’? It is this very moment ‘Now’! When Lucifer was created (dimension 6) the three aspects of Creation, Maintenance and Destruction were also created. These are called the Three Gunas in Sanskrit and keep the phenomenal Universe in balance.The basic shape of the phenomenal Universe is the vortex spin of the electron and many other macro structures (eg. weather, orbits, rotation of planet and stars and galaxies) which is mirrored in the true ‘Swastika’ (Hitler reversed it!) ie. the symbol of ‘spin’.

Satan is something all together else. Satan is born of man as a consequence of man's initial ignorance on his/her journey to Enlightenment. Satan is the misuse of man's consciousness in the creation of thoughts (which lead to words and actions) that belong to other lower realms of Creation, eg. material, vegetable or animal. Satan will be conquered when man vanquishes all 'evil' or ignorant thoughts, words and actions.

And thus buddies, we human beings can travel in all of these dimensions to one degree or another. We are incomplete multi-dimensional beings. Our purpose of being in these dimensions is to come to Completion (9th Dimension), see A little story. Great beings live in the higher dimensions but cannot enter the lower dimensions, except through the human vehicle. They are the ‘Saviours’ of the human beings.Lower beings live in the lower dimensions but cannot enter the higher dimensions except through the human vehicle. ie. the human vehicle is their 'Saviour'.Thus in order to return to Godhead or Completion, we need to inhabit the human vehicle and transcend all it's energies or dimensions, ie. get the user's manual, read it, understand it and follow or live by it.So, if we transcend thought, we become Truth ie our intention becomes reality in the lower dimensional worlds.You see, Truth is necessary to create the lower dimensions. That's why in general we can't do it. Jesus called it 'Faith' (in the sixth dimension of Thought).So all things are possible out of Love. ie. We're It. We are God.And the other strange thing is everybody is trying to imagine what the higher dimensions are like and we’re experiencing them every day of our lives!

So, God Created all the exquisite wonders of the higher dimensions, then created Lucifer who created all the lower dimensions and all of their wonders, and then created the Living physical world and especially Man who incorporates all of the dimensions in one being, who then creates Satan through ignorance, and then can transcend his ignorance and these dimensions and return to his original state which is Godhead or Pure Love and the other amazing thing is, we don’t have to look anywhere else except within ourselves to find ‘All that ever was, is and will be’ How simple is this? (Staring us in the face, so to speak) All the yogic traits, detachment, loss of lower desire, simplicity (as opposed to ostentation), and…Love, love, love… is the way to God.

So, what about A biblical interpretation ‘Estates’ units, tens, hundreds of our researcher of the Bible? (They may form the three Guna’s – Creation, Stability, Destruction)

So, miracles occur when man transcends the mind and moves into the 8th and 9th dimensions, since the 'sankalpa' or will in these dimensions can affect any modification of the lower dimensions. ie. all of Creation will bow down before Adam (you and me - when we get there!)

So, how do these ‘miracles’ occur? They occur as a result of our pure hearts dedicated to loving our Creator and the Creation through feelings, thoughts, words and deeds.

Have a look at A little story for another take on Creation.