2Hexagrams of Witchcraft


How to use :
The usage rule is exactly the same as 'Circle of Witchcraft'.

I think 'thoughts loop' proven have been trapped/guided along the 'Circle of Witchcraft' permanently(or until stop).
'Thoughts flow' flows into 2Hexagrams by diverted from 12 points which is in contact with the circle.
And there are 36 cross points in 2Hexagrams where DIVERGENCE(⇒Reference1) will be occur... I do not know the best how to use still. At the same, I do not know what kind of depth. The essence so informational aspects, would not things like reduced where it was published. So I have opened this '2Hexagrams of Witchcraft'. (201501261956)

Meaning/Usage of this Input-field. (201503211309)


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