Alien Propulsion - The Short Bibliography


The Andreasson Affair (1979/1994) Raymond E. Fowler

The Andreasson Affair - Phase Two (1982) Raymond E. Fowler

The Watchers (1990) Raymond E. Fowler

The Watchers II (1995) Raymond E. Fowler

The Andreasson Legacy Raymond E. Fowler

The Day After Roswell (1997) Col. Philip J. Corso

Alien Contact (1993) Timothy Good

The Threat (1998) David M. Jacobs (read with caution)

Glimpses of Other Realities Vol II - High Strangeness (1998) Linda Moulton Howe

Summoned (1999) Dana Redfield

Transformation (1995) Julie Soskin

Living Energies (1996) (Schauberger) Callum Coats

The Energy Evolution (2000) (Schauberger) Callum Coats

Living Water (1990) (Schauberger) Olof Alexandersson

Ufo Quest (1994) Alan Watts

The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla (1993) David H. Childress

Anti-Gravity and The World Grid (1992) David H. Childress

Prehistoric Germ Warfare (1980) Robin Collyns

The Philadelphia Experiment (1979) Charles Berlitz & William Moore

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