Category:Cosmic Energy Cell

From BNE

In the early 1990's Australians started experimenting with charging water with low voltage DC current using concentric stainless steel cylinders and cones.

After some years of experimentation the following results were obtained:

  • Broke the world speed record for drag racers by covering the 1/4 mile in Tasmania in the mid 1990's in 4.71 seconds in a drag racer powered by this technology
  • Created anti-gravity effects
  • Purified water in a seemingly miraculous way using such devices
  • Healed many people using this technology

Because of the very unusual nature of this technology and the purely intuitive methods used in these discoveries, these technolgies have not been fully understood or widely duplicated.

We hope that through the efforts of BNE and our members and contributors, we will make available to the world in general devices based on this amazing technology.

A new Australian web site dedicated to the Cosmic Energy Cell (AKA:'Joe Cell') is now online at:

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