Definitions of God

From BNE

Many researchers shy away from any association of science with 'God'.

Personally, my truth tells me there is nothing else than 'God' and science is just a part of 'God'...

And what 'God' is this you may ask?

Well, if we call 'God' Truth, then you cannot deny that all of science is contained in 'God'.

So let's start with this definition of 'God' as Truth.

You and I and many other aspects of our consciousness and existence are what we call alive... So assuming that we are all part of Truth, then Truth includes 'being alive', or more specifically

Being, Awareness, and Bliss

So we can now include this definition of 'God'

God is Being Awareness and Bliss

Being includes 'I AM'

These definitions of God are included in the ancient writings of India known as the Veda's which translate literally to 'Writings of Light' or 'Pure Truth' or 'Visions of the Eternal'

All of this that we call science is intimately related to Being, Awareness and Bliss, ie. the two cannot exist separately.

For example, if you are not Conscious, where has all the science gone?

Anyway without getting too deep, consciousness is very much part of science.

As an example of consciousness modifying matter, great beings like Sathya Sai Baba, and the Yogi's generally, and modern souls like Uri Geller and now more recently Byron's Space Cowboy, and many others, show us how we can alter 'science' eg. the atomic state of the Cosmos and metals in a spoon, through consciousness.

In my short time on this planet I have come across hundreds of these events where matter has been 'created' by consciousness. So I'm convinced that this is a highly fruitful area of research for Byron New Energy Solmil