" The material Universe is purely made out of Aether "

by Gabriel LaFreniere.

This wave is an electron. It is made of spherical standing waves.

Actually, those are not "standing" but rather moving by Doppler effect.

This artificial 3-D mode displays the phase in green and the phase opposition in red.

This allows the null amplitude to be displayed in black in order to enhance the phase wave on the right side.



Mr. Jocelyn Marcotte's equations are fundamental.


New! Make ripples on a virtual pond !

 Philippe Delmotte's Virtual Aether is amazing ! More programs here:



This web site explains that there is nothing else but the aether, and that matter is made solely of waves. Yes, I realize that this may sound ridiculous. However I know a lot about optics, waves and physics, and I maintain that this is true.

One may ask any well known scientist how a photon works. He will not be able to find an acceptable explanation. Even worse, he will also answer that the light is made of electric and magnetic fields, but he still will be unable to explain how such fields work. Finally, this means that he simply ignores the true nature of light.

We are standing in front of the Unknown. Our first step should be to propose hypothesis.

Actually, I can explain the light. And I am the only one who can. Nobody else ever proposed an acceptable hypothesis.

So I will propose many assumptions all along those pages. If you are a scientist, and if you are unable to propose some of your own, please do not reject my ideas simply because they sound ridiculous. You should examine them first. And if you disagree with them, you need an acceptable reason.

Remember Galileo. 



One can produce ripples on water by throwing a pebble into the calm waters of a lake. In this case, the waves are outgoing because they go away from the center.

One can also produce ingoing waves by using a large hoop. These waves will culminate at the center then go back, becoming outgoing waves and meeting the ingoing waves.

The following animation shows how the superposition of ingoing and outgoing waves produce a well-known undulatory structure: standing waves.


 This concentric spherical standing wave system was first proposed by Mr. Milo Wolff.


The Doppler effect.

If the hoop is slowly moved forward while producing such standing waves, they become compressed forward and dilated backward. This is the Doppler effect, which acts in the same way on ingoing and outgoing waves.

This produces a very special wave. Let's call it a pseudo-standing wave, because it is not a "standing" wave any more :


The spherical non concentric system.

Please note that this wave system is moving to the right.


The above images are displayed using an artificial 3-D effect in order to produce a more intuitive view. However, unlike waves on a flat surface, this wave rather extends into a three-dimensional space. It is made out of spherical waves. It is represented in its own moving frame of reference, where its relative speed is null. But in fact, it is a highly mobile wave and it may change its speed and direction.

This wave shows all of an electron's properties.

It is unlikely that this wave is known, else it would have been systematically mentioned as an example to illustrate the Lorentz transformations. Indeed, it conforms to it in a spectacular way and even allows the theory of Relativity to be explained. For instance it shows very well many vertical and parallel zones traveling toward the right. Each zone indicates places where the Lorentz  t'  time is the same, as a result of the time shift.

Even better, this wave manifests all of the electron's properties. Everything indicate that it actually *is* an electron.

This wave is an electron.

Let's repeat : this wave shows all of an electron's properties. Judge by yourself :

This wave contains energy. When immobile, this energy is constant, which explains quanta. Otherwise, its energy increases with its speed according to Lorentz's prediction. This wave can move. Its speed and direction do not normally change, which explains its inertia. But they can change because of the radiation pressure, which leads to mechanical properties exerted from a distance. This wave also has a spin resulting from a phase rotation, not a mechanical rotation.

This wave spectacularly conforms to the Lorentz transformations. It seems at rest if one moves along with it. It even seems to act and react, in every Galilean frames of reference, as if it were at rest. From its perspective, another wave's Doppler effect only manifests according to its relative speed, which explains Relativity.

Thus, the presence of a "solid" particle is no longer needed to explain matter. It is even excluded. An electron isn't a metal marble covered in chrome. An electron cannot be made of matter. It is rather matter that is made of electrons.


You will not find in those web pages any indication that a better knowledge of the wave nature of matter may lead to some amazing inventions. Clearly, all of matter's properties have been already discovered. The final touch was just to explain why matter behaves like this.

Unfortunately, I could not find any practical idea based on my discovery.

No, there is no new sort of energy which could be cleaner or cheaper then petroleum.

And no, I did not find the secret of levitation.

In addition, if you one are impassioned of esotericism and paranormal, you are politely invited to go elsewhere. Here, one speaks quite simply about physics and mechanics.

More pages.

This site contains 23 pages explaining matter and all physical phenomena. 

Using solely electrons. Nothing else.


The next page on electrons has been entirely rewritten and translated into an acceptable English. I challenge anybody to examine it and find errors which are in conflict with fundamental physics.


You are here. | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |


Gabriel LaFreniere,

Bois-des-Filion in Québec.

Email: Please read this notice.

On the Internet since September 2002. Last update November 6, 2006.

La théorie de l'Absolu (The Theory of Absolute) , © Luc Lafrenière, May 2000.

La matière est faite d'ondes (Matter is made of Waves), © Gabriel Lafrenière, June 2002.


Home page: Matter is made of waves.

 The Michelson interferometer.  The Wave Mechanics.  The light.
 The Lorentz transformation.  Active and reactive mass.  Gravity.
 The theory of  Relativity.  The Aether.  The electron.
 The Wave Theory.  The Doppler effect.  The quarks.
 The Wave Theory postulates.  The Time Scanner.  The proton.
 The electron phase shift.  Magnetic fields.  The atom.
 Plane standing waves.  The theory of Evolution.  Chemistry.
 Spherical standing waves.  Conclusion.  

The graphics made since Feb. 2004 have been improved, thanks to information from Mr. Philippe Delmotte, from Lille, France.

Mr. Delmotte also invented in June 2005 a fantastic new computerized virtual medium to study waves: the Virtual Aether.